Meet our auspicious Bishop. T. Tyrone Tyson and awesomely anointed First Lady Dr. LaTanya Tyson ...
Is to live in the L.O.V.E. of God in word, act and deed, primarily through the preaching, teaching and living of God’s Holy Word.
Agape Baptist Fellowship's vision is to make God’s L.O.V.E. Real and Relevant. We're A Church Where Love Is Real...
The one thing I love most about my church is the way my Pastor analyzes the bible. Because I am still one of the younger people in the church I don't always understand the context, but the members and leaders help to get the message across to me. Another thing I really love is the atmosphere, no one is judged, everyone isn’t sitting uptight and stern. We aren’t perfect so no one is expecting to always look good or do good. Agape accepts everyone.
Jewel Crews | Member
Jewel Crews | Member
Grace and Peace Be Multiplied Unto You From God, Our Father!
Thanks for visiting Agape Baptist Fellowship Church on the web. We are delighted that you've taken an interest in our ministry. It is our mission to live in the L.O.V.E. of God in word, act and deed, primarily through the preaching, teaching and living of God’s Holy Word. Our vision is to make God’s L.O.V.E. real and relevant by:
Loving God’s people according to John15:12
Operate in God’s love by the giving of talent, time, and treasure
Vigorously supporting the ministry and mission
Encouraging those around us to seek the Love of God for themselves
Feel free to join us anytime you are in the Piedmont Triad area. Agape Baptist Fellowship is a place where you can worship and feel God's love. We would be honored for you to share in the Agape Experience: A Worship Experience Where YOU fit in. We are a "Church Where Love Is Real".
It is our sincere hope that your web experience today is enjoyable, encouraging, edifying and spiritually enlightening. Please make use of our online Christian Study Tools - Online Bible Search, Daily Bible Verse, Daily Devotional, Daily Bible Quiz, Daily Christian Quote, Daily Bible Story, Audio Bible and Social Media Fellowship. Additionally, God has expanded our mission to reach the masses with yet another standalone teaching ministry called "Tyson Talks". This podcast will be avaiable on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and iHeart radio.This ministry utilizes, Teaching, Technology and Talk to give each participant the best opportunity to learn. We thank God for all of His tools for edification.
Again, thanks for visiting and we look forward to the opportunity to fellowship with you and your family.
Dr.T. Tyrone Tyson, Bishop
ILearn new virtual format in 2021!!
We have reformatted and released iLearn in a new virtual format. We hope tat you will access our Zoom iLearn Sessions and our Facebook Live stream..
In the brand new iLearn format, Bishop Tyson will take an apologetic look at many subjects and more, and show you what the Bible says about it.Open your Bibles and be ready to be challenged, and don’t be surprised if you enjoy studying the Bible.
Bishop T. Tyrone Tyson DMin is proud to introduce The Agape Fellowship of Churches.The Agape Fellowship of Churches is a family of churches whose main goal is a return to the first century church model of evangelism, education, and empowerment. The Agape Family of Churches is not intended to be personality centered, but rather people centered. This fellowship was birthed by a God mandated meeting between Bishop Jeffery Gravely and our very own Biship. Bishop Tyson shared the vision God gave him years ago of a family of Churches that operate under the covering of the Agape Fellowship ethos. Bishop Gravely immediately wanted to join, and eventually a total of 42 churches from around the country and overseas submitted to the covering of the Agape Fellowship with Bishop Tyson as the presiding Bishop. We pray that God will bless this duanting labor of love with his favor and blessings.
Stay abreast with worship, fellowship and outreach events taking place at Agape Baptist Fellowship by visiting our Events Calendar and following us on Social Media. We'd love to fellowship, worship and share the Agape Experience with you and your family.